Monday, March 5, 2012

Dirty Bum Seal Beach

We were lucky enough to go visit the seal beach. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to convince her, Jenaeth would not go touch the seals. She chickened out, can you believe it? Talk about a story worth telling. Maybe the monkey bite made her nervous about animals. But these guys? Come on. 


Nothing brings two young chaps together like a nice full garbage can. Nom nom, garbage. 

I'm not sure if you can see it but Marin has a dirty bum. Just joking, you better be able to see it. There was just about one puddle in all of California while we visited and guess who found it? What can I say, he's a genius.  A genius with a wet and dirty butt. 

Chillin. The too cool California attitude really suited Jude well. 


  1. I love that these pictures make it look like Marin always plays so nicely with Baby Jude. If only...

  2. Marin and Jude just harmonizing. Just a normal day for the cousins. I think Marin should also be a naked boy in that picture. They'd be two guys hanging out in their diapes just singing some tunes. I love it.

  3. Photo #4: I hope Jude is not in the stroller that Marin appears to be pushing off a precipice.
