Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mother's Day

I have more pics from the trip but before I upload them I leave you with this "sweet" picture. 

I admit that they also might appear a bit menacing. 

Mother's Day was very sweet this year, topped off by a beautiful weed bouquet. 

Jude was so proud and we put it in water. Dandelions make a perfect dining room table topper, I say. 

Side note: INKED.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The boys were full of good ideas. But don't compliment them because you'll get nothing but the stink eye. 

You do not want the stink eye.

Can you feel the burn?

This marble game turned sword fight caused a lot of problems and the boys were so nervous about them breaking that they really didn't do anything but nervously and gently hold them. 

So that was a fun one. 

Certainly this is how Jude spent the whole vacation. Isn't this a picture of serenity?

Although generally speaking, a 3 year old playing a harmonica is not a picture of serenity. 

But just you can pretend. 

Could you not just eat this up?

Friday, May 23, 2014


ATTN: LADIES. Need a man to help with repairs and what not? I have just the guy for you. 

Pants not included. 

You have no idea what a dream come true this picture is. 

Bribery involved. 

This picture was taken after naps, can you tell? He was REAL mad after this picture was taken. 

Worth it. 

A pirate in jammies with a magnifying glass. Motherhood PRO. 


Thursday, May 22, 2014


One day we ran into Emmiah, Marin's friend, at the park. She was well equipped with face paint which Jude was very excited about. Incidentally, meow. 

I took Co and Jude to the park, and I can't remember why. It may have possibly been because a certain blonde bandit was stuck in the brig. 

But by the time we got home, Mo was ready for a good old fashioned fight. I think that the right person was wearing a helmet in this current situation. 

Oy vey. Where are the girls in this family AMIRITE?

NAW jk. Check out these broskies. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Our last visit to California did not go as well as expected. There was a certain small blondie who found Jude's presence to be rage inducing. Luckily, it was not the case this time around! And could any trip really be bad if you have camo and an easy chair?

It's also nice that both the boys love to read. In fact, we got Marin to read to Jude one day which was so adorable. Mostly, they got those Niphakis nerds to do the job. 

But with a house of boys, don't think for a second that story time was danger free. Certainly it is not. 

Check out these cooperative and happy blondes. 

All day erryday. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

California Personality

Recently, Jude and I were able to take a long trip out to California to visit our favorite California beauties. Here are just a few. 

Luckily, Jude remembered his storm trooper, so battles ensued in the early A.M. 


This picture is one that Marin was very excited about. A new (old) digger and the evil eye. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT, LADIES?

Oh, is this the "more" you were looking for?