Friday, September 23, 2011

At the Lib

We go to a library almost every day. The boys love it...what nerds. First, it is time for puzzles. 

Briasson likes to rage on his puzzle, Jude likes to steal. Yeah, we have really lovely children. 

But now that Jude is crawling, he doesn't puzzle for long. He's off exploring! 

It's hard to climb on slippery chairs, but a boy can try.

Once he got stable on the chair it was time to blow raspberries. 

My baby is a genius. 

Hands down- the worst book he's ever read. 

Jude found a way to hold all of the books and stand by leaning. He lives on the edge, my danger man. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In the Car

The boys sit next to each other in the car and generally ignore each other. 

Sorry Briasson, but are we boring you? I don't know what I can do to keep this man entertained. He's really high maintenance. 

And then there is this bundle of joy. I took about 15 pictures right up in his face and it didn't change. This is what I'm stuck with. 

Then he came to his senses and realized he needed the camera. Right then. 

Briasson did not. He needed nothing except better entertainment. 

Which he apparently did not get. 

Excuse me, but are we there yet? I'm growing tired of this seat. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well this isn't standing but look how cute his froggy jammies are. SO CUTE. I know. 

Okay, so Jude has really mastered the pince, and Briasson is doing really well at it too. But, he has had some trouble when he gets a little something in his hand, getting that little something into his mouth. But, our little genius understands his strengths and weaknesses and changes his behavior accordingly. Briasson is a master of laying his head does on the floor. So, he began picking things up by just opening his mouth and sucking them up, or better yet, slobbering them up. Sometimes he missed. And sometimes he sucked on them and then left a wet, soggy, sticky puff on my floor. Oh well, with cheeks like that, who can be mad? 

A few weeks ago Jude started pulling himself up and standing. Now he just wants to stand all the time. This is his music machine, all the buttons make different music and he likes to stand and dance at it. I like to think a little dance-mathetai rubbed off on my son. 

Pirate booty: the only thing that makes standing more cool. 

Isn't he just the littlest peep ever to stand? 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I've always been under the impression that it is just best to let Jude live. I mean, I get that he's a baby so there are limitations but for the most part- he's an adult. Or, whatever. He would love to spend all day naked. Unfortunately I cannot even begin to think about what our apartment would smell like if I let him do that. So for personal preservation, he has to wear dipes. But, right before bath, Robert will strip him down and tell him it is time for the bath and release him. 

And Jude knows just what to do. 

Don't even try to stop him, don't even try to take off his socks. When you've let the little pale man loose, it is game over. 

He's ready right away, even before the water is in the bath. He is ready before the bath is even in the bath apparently (you can see it still propped up). 

Oh well, patience is a virtue. Also, thighs like that are a virtue. I would know. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fleece Escape

 I realize you probably think the title means that the post has something to do with a "fleece escape". Also, I realize many of you probably don't put that much thought into the titles of these posts. I thought it sounded nice and this post is about a fleece jacket and an escape, so deal with it. I'm sorry if your dreams of the fleece escape have been crushed. Anyway, Jude got a new fleece. Doesn't he look dapper? I think he's old enough that the term dapper applies to him. HE'S WEARING A FLEECE, PEOPLE...which can only mean he is mature enough for dapper to be the appropriate descriptor. 

Don't I have the two cutest men in the world to live with? 

 Okay, okay, so one of them may be cuter than another. I won't say who, but he is small, bald, and has dimples to die for- I'm talking about the ones on his face. His dimply rear is a whole other story. Incidentally, it is a story that you will be hearing a lot about later this week. Stay tuned for nudventres. 

 One morning Jude and I were having a very pleasant skype sesh with Easten and cousin Marin (Alfalfa Marin for those avid blog readers who may remember his posts). Marin and Jude don't normally last to long being interested in skype. I'm not perfect at entertaining Marin. Plus I prefer when he is throwing a tantrum over when he is contentedly watching something that I'm doing. I know, you all with you could have a loving aunt like me. Anyway, Jude crawled all the way through the living and dining room, through the kitchen and to the door. 

 Hence the "escape" in the title. I like to say Jude was making his "escape" in a spanish accent. Something like "es-ca-paaaaay" Abi, do you know what I'm talking about? Do you read this blog? If so, I know you know what I'm talking about. 

He likes being at home with me, I swear. 

Friday, September 16, 2011


Jude got a hold of Robert's accounting book one morning and just loved it.

His shirt says it all: girls dig accountants.

All done. That was so easy!

Well after such a quick read, he better find something more challenging.

Hey, do you have another one? Maybe one with a little more difficult ideas to understand?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Jude and Briasson are buddies. They just are. Briasson may or may not see Jude as just another chew toy, but at least Jude is probably his FAVORITE toy. This picture is supposed to be last in the series. It's Jude's "enough is enough, give me the camera" picture. Classic.

I hate to admit it, but I'm pretty sure Briasson was playing with the toy first. This looks like Briasson's "Please somebody he's taking my toy" face.

Two dudes, hangin out.

Whatever he sees, Briasson thinks it is SHOCKING.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Jude is getting better and better at meal time. He actually enjoys it...I think.

But if a tiny speck of food drops onto his tray, it's pince pince pince. I don't think he knows yet that you can't pick up specks of liquid food.

Oh well! Still happy.

This carpet presents other pince challenges because it is such that tiny things go unnoticed, and apparently, un-picked up by the vacuum.

Jude often chooses to pince with his middle finger and thumb. If it then is too hard to get into his mouth, he rolls it between his fingers until it is perfect monching distance.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A very Happy Man.

Jude discovered the camera cord that was hanging down. He loved to suck on it. That's not bad, right?

How could you take it from this happy man??

Another staple in the "Jude's favorite ever" pile of things that aren't ever toys is the measuring tape.

One morning it was chilly and I had to quick get him in a warm outfit. It wasn't my most fashionable of choices, but he was sure happy about it.

Is there a happier baby on the planet??

Monday, September 12, 2011

TV man

This is a little video Jude likes to watch of James Taylor singing. For some reason, Jude really finds James Taylor's face entertaining. See for yourself.

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Jude loves when I give him a cup of puffs. These cups are "no spill" but he manages to spill them every time. I know he doesn't look happy, but his eyes are so big and cute, I just added it anyway.

Cell phone.

Enough said.

I gave Jude a bath the other night while Robert was in class. I went to dump his toys in, and he wanted the toy container too.

He loved picking out the toys one by one. Hmm, what else is in here?

He's not greedy, he just wants all of the toys.