Thursday, May 31, 2012


Sometimes I have to wake up the sleepy bug. Here he is with his babies. 

After you wake him up, he may be a little sad. 

If he is a little sad, he may need to look in the mirror. 

If he looks in the mirror, he may realize he is still tired and need a yawn. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


One day, Jude found his old paci and popped it in. What a cute baby. 

Although this was just another popular option for how to chew on it. 

Wrong, but popular. 

It may have been rude of me to decline...

But with a nose like that, who would share?


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hammer Time.

OOOH! Look what I found. 

If this face doesn't scream mischief then I don't know what does...

Except every face Briasson has ever made. 

A good idea from my genius son. 


Yet so sad. 

Listen, putting a hammer in his mouth is fine and all, but gloating about it is NOT FINE BY ME. 

P.S. Yes, I did dress him. No, I'm not a fashion designer. But yes, I will help you get dressed if you need it.

Which... you probably do. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Stuck in a Rut

Jude has really taken to sitting in the junk drawer.

Who me? Ignore me, I'm just another sippy cup. 

I don't know about this, guys, I seem pwetty high up.

A little help? 


Wait, why am I not in the drawer?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Helpa

I recently redid some of our dressers. Obviously I couldn't do it alone. It's a good thing I had my handy heelpa. 

DONE! WHAT'S NEXT? (Note: he was not done)

This chaiw, pewhaps. (Note: he wasn't supposed to sand that chair)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Everyday I'm Swingin'

Okay, this has been fun and all dad, but I fink you are squishin my lunch up out of my mouf. 


I mean, pwease?

Just another parental trap, bringin' the lone ranger down. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Worst. Park. Ever.

Listen, I needed to get a quick pic of the jelly man. He, however, did not agree. 

Mohawk, check. Park, check. Smiles...


That's more like it, piggy. 

Finally in his element. 

At least one kid is happy. 

But only for a moment. I'm beginning to think the happiness actually stemmed from being in a place and doing something that was annoying Jude. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Life is Fun...Enough.


It is especially fun when Briasson is locked out.

Perfect. Close...but not too close. 

I'm going to need your license and registration, please. 

Look at this branch I found. I'm have the best day ever. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Love and Jelly

Sometimes I get to eat my own peanut buttew and jelly sandwhich. They weally awe delicious, howevewr, it tends to be a bit of a mess. 

Awe we thewe yet?

Other times Jude just wears camo boots and a onesie. Man's man. 

This is my fwiend. 

Kissing your fwiends is loving. 

Nobody ever touch her. 

Because she is my fwiend. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Everybody has a Head

Sometimes we like to go to the stage. 

Because these two celebrities need to shine.

But maybe more 

Catch a quick game of tennis. 

I don't know what he was doing, but this day Jude was really into pointing out the fact that he does, indeed, have a head. 

And..can you believe it? Aunt Jillian does too!

But, still...mine feels bettew. 

Also, just a reminder, because Jude has been telling me about it- last weekend Goompa shocked him on his head. You can ask him about it, he will show you right where it happened. Tragic.