Monday, October 29, 2012


I personally think that this post is amazing. There are just too many amazing things. First, it's amazing that in our new house there is pink carpeting in the dining room. I literally am amazed by it every time I see it. 

Second, here is a picture of the most rad baby you've ever seen, just hanging out next to a little tool that probably isn't baby proof. Amazing teen parenting. 

Also, isn't it amazing what a ladies man he is? 

Admit it, ladies. 

This picture is so amazing, and let me just explain to you why. A sweet little man in his jammies, just innocently reading (the most annoying) spongebob story ever. BUT, take a peek by his city mouse country mouse story and you might see what looks like a poop.

That's because it's a poop. Jude was running naked after his bath and I guess nobody was watching him for long enough for him to go to his book corner . While in his book corner, he pooped on a book, only to be smelled by Robert during story time. 

BABIES ARE AMAZING, you should definitely have some.

This is amazing because Jude is wearing argyle, Briasson is an actual potato, and they are watching television. They never ever get to watch TV, but we thought it would be funny to see what happened when it was on and do you know what happened?

The boys became men. They became lazy, slouchy men wearing elastic waisted pants. 

It's like staring into their future...or a potato factory.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Trouble Maker

Robert is one of the only people that can really get Jude laughing. Check out that dimple...


Did you ladies really get a good look?

This is where we found him.

 And this is where we left him. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Home Again

I have more California pictures coming, but here are just two little others. 
This is how I found Jude one day. He climbed up into the chair then hopped over to his high chair. I guess when you need to eat you need to make yourself known. 

Twinsiez and bestiez. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sweet as Candy

Look at these boys. Such sweet peas. Just always so sweet.


Let Jude's face tell you the story. I feel like it is saying "wait, what is happening here?"

Well, something did happen. It doesn't matter what. Marin is satisfied and Jude is sad.

Or Marin is satisfied because Jude is sad.

It doesn't matter.


Monday, October 22, 2012


Rule: Don't jump in the fountain.

Oh hii obedient little baby. 

I guess parenting really works, now doesn't it?

You awe such a helicoptewr pawent.

Hello Mr. Pirate, it's nice to meet you. Incidentally, this is way nicer than he was to actual humans. 

Also incidentally, this is what Jude does to actual humans. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012


The world is his oyster. Parents are for nerds. 

Mawin thinks pawents awe fowr newrds?


A dream world of things he shouldn't touch. So good yet so bad. 

Shouldn't touch? 

As Jude would say

"ummmm no."

This looks like something he really should be doing, right?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Attack friends.

Skyping is always a cause for showing off. Also it looks suspiciously as though a certain bobble head is preparing for attack. 

So vicious. This actually probably caused a huge old problemo. Marin sees all actions as threatening actions. Jude may as well have thrown a grenade. 

Plus that would have been cooler

Jude thinks this story is the greatest ever told. It has no words. We have similar taste in literature.

A perfectly fitted tee and he is good to go. 

Peeky peeky, ducks.

Planning their attack.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Solo Sillies

After a few days we realized that a little time apart was essential for a..."peaceful" time. It helped!...while they were currently apart. 


Just like MAMA

Just practicing going night night. Zebra is essential. I know it doesn't exactly look like a zebra. How do I know? Because a woman in the airport asked what it was, I told her it was Jude's zebra and she told the BABY: "Well it doesn't look very stripey. I guess I'll take your word for it" Then walked away...


Anyway, POOL TIME. If they are micah's, Jude will wear them. 

Just gotta adjust them a little.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Look at THAT. Boys are boys are boys are not mommies. 

He did indeed think that the masks were "daddy".  Scary.

But also, almost right.

Chasing around the copy machine. Who needs planes when you can just do whatever the heck you want?


NOTE: Baby breaking down caution tape.

Teen parenting 102

Climbing babies.

Also note the flap happy flowing in the wind by the copy machine. So glorious. 

Monday, October 8, 2012


This was a popular game in the car, home, outside, stores, etc. It was a really advanced game, far beyond their years, but I guess maturity blossoms in the family early. It was a game where everybody screamed as loud as they could at the game time. 

Sometimes it ended in a time out. 

Sharing a cart was a really good (ish) idea. And by that I mean bad. 

But you'd never know. They are almost the same height but look at Jude's legs. He has tiny midget baby legs like his daddy. Aww.

The boys went to a movie and lasted roughly 5 and 15 minutes (Marin and Jude respectively).  This enthrallment was actually watching a Justin Bieber Christmas music video, though. 

Then it was off to playing with the home screen of some video games we would never pay for. 


Friday, October 5, 2012

Living the Cali Dream

Did you know that legally you cannot wear pants in California?
I'm not sure if that is 100% true, but it really seemed that way.

Jude caught on quickly to the rules. 

1. Don't wear pants.
2. Climb on the changing table

He learns from the bobble headed master.

Later, nerds.

Best buddies.
For now

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Uncle John

Briasson, the man of many emotions. Low lows.

Sillies of sillies.

And boy are his highs so high.

I think this pretty much sums up the difference in the boys. Do you like my haiw?

And of course, the monthly check in to see how Jude's mandatory smiles are coming along.

I'd say pretty well.