Friday, January 18, 2013


Tell me this isn't the picture of maturity. 

He's a big boy already. 

We didn't decorate his room that way, so...

But we did put him in those socks...


Check out that monkey bum!

Be honest, you wouldn't wear pants if you had undies that were this amazing. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Two important points to make. First, that shirt that Goompa is wearing is so Christmas-y that he has to wear it during when tis the season but for full disclosure, everyone knows it is kind of a joke. 

Even tax. 

Second, are you buying that they are sleeping? We're working of faking. I think that Tax is doing a pretty good job. That other guy?

Needs some work to say the least. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


First, I just want to say that despite the fact that Jude is WAY older than Briasson (14 days, woop)

He is a bit smaller. Just a little tiny bit...



Look at those little guys. Such cutays.

You're welcome

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Checkin the Dipes

Being best friends and cousins means many things, like you are forced to love one another. Also, you have to do some chores. 

For example, check for poops. 

I think we all can guess what this face means. 

Jude just always makes sure to be 100% accurate. Gotta check all the cracks. 


Monday, January 14, 2013


I know it would be not just cute and amazing, but sometimes I just wish he had to wear glasses because...

I mean really? Wow. So handsome. 

That smile. Those reading glasses. He's my benjamin button and you all don't even try to disagree. He's officially 2 going on 97. 

Just a regular old day. The life of an intellectual always begins early and with a nice cup of milk. 

Sippy cup, that is.

And if we could just all be honest, I think that intellectuals and scholars are generally nose pickers. 

Not to push stereotypes, but professors are so gross. 

Besides, gross but also

kiiind of amazing?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sweet as Honey

Sometimes a boy just needs to give some love. 

And snuggles. 

Jude just wishes he could give some more cuddles but Goompa is sick. NOOO GOOMPA.

But a night isn't complete unless Gooma gets a hug too. AWWWW. 

One mo