Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Game

This one time, Robert put this bag on Jude's head. Despite the fact that many of these types of "games" end up with a very upset pale little monkey, this one did not. He spent the better part of the following week putting the bag on his own head, then crawling as fast as he could. 

Look how happy he is! As soon as he got it over his head, he would get the biggest smile. My judebug. 


Dude, it's my turn. 

Dude, don't touch the glasses. 

When he didn't have his mesh bag around, Jude found other things to put on his head. 

Jude's getting a jump start on his hard partying future. No pants, shirt on his head. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jude IS a little bug. He loves being caught in a bug net

    I don't know how much Jude will be into wild parties. But with a pillow case on his head, Jude makes for a very cute little monk.

  3. Jude can make his way from party to party in that stylish taxi. Or maybe he will just be pushing his chubby companion around. He is being so true to his bug form in these pictures!

  4. Okay, for the Shutterfly record: photos 2,5,6,7!!!!!

    #2: Too cute for words!

    #6,& 7: It's David, the little shepherd boy, tending his flock..."

    #5: "Back off, Goliath! I forgot my slingshot, but my fists will suffice."

    or "Don't touch the glasses--they're MINE!"
