Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stroller Solo

Here are some solo shots from a recent stroller ride that the boys took. Ah, yes, my son. He gets his enthusiasm from me, I  think. 

Pince. Jude just loves to pince, even if there is nothing for him to feel. 

And here is Briasson in all of his drunken glory. We call him fozzy bear because of his hair...can you see why? 

For some reason the picture did not load where Briasson is eating that handle. Trust me, he was. Anyway, he wasn't too sure about the walk. It seemed kind of dangerous. Plus, he was surrounded by grass sooooo...ew. 

Jude is much happier on walks when he isn't forced to take in the beautiful scenery and changing fall colors and he can instead suck on a pair of keys or a block or something. Sounds like he has something in common with his grandma. Hating nature, I mean...I'm not sure her relationship with keys is quite the same. 

What's the big deal guys? Are we walking or what? If we aren't going soon, you can just drop me at home and I'll just hang out there. 


  1. Maybe the corn on the cob didn't agree with Briasson. Or maybe he was dipping into the secret stash of beer that John and Robert keep at Mom and Dad's house. Either way that boy needs a pick-me-up. Yes, Jude is happy to stay at home because that's where the extension cords are. What a trendy shirt- that boy is a fashion plate!

  2. I beg your pardon. I don't hate nature. I just don't want to sleep, eat, or excrete in it. Jude, Briasson, John, and Micah delight in all doing all three, which makes them lower on the evolutionary tree that they would like to climb. Neander-tals, the whole uncivilized bunch of them.

  3. Okay, I'm just a wee bit intimidated by that first photo, which I need framed or in a Shutterfly book.

  4. Looks like Briasson got into the corn mash. Hey, you should put a recipe on your craft blog for corn mash Whiskey. Briasson would love it--and apparently his lush of a father would too.

  5. WOW. You're son is a little grumpy and sad. And my son is drunk. What a winning combination. I need that picture of Briasson to show his girlfriend later on in life.
