Friday, October 7, 2011


Aunt Jenaeth got Jude this very fitting tee for Christmas before he was born and it finally fits! He is my little sir poop alot and this post is a shout out to Aunt Jenaeth!

Thank you Aunt Jenaeth!! I love my poopytee. 

It's hard to tell from just the picture, but this is Jude's happy pose. He does it when he sees things he likes. It's his shy guy. 

Who me?? A poop alot??

It's not my fault. 

It's the PRUNES. 


  1. Ok, Marin totally laughed out loud when I opened your blog. That says it all...

  2. This is Jude's best outfit ever! And I have a video to go with it: (Copy and paste)

    I feel like I have an achey breaky heart when I see his shy guy, lovey-dovey pose when I'm so far away : ( .

    Black and white are totally Jude's colors. His poppin' eyes provide the wow factor.
