Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stroller Duo

Well there is a portion of this picture that is trick photography because Briasson is up higher than Jude. That said, Jude is a tiny peep. Briasson is our (not so) gentle giant. Can you tell? 

I just am totally shocked that they weren't into this photo shoot. It seemed like such a fun idea but look at those sour faces. 

A ha! Briasson couldn't hold it in any longer. He loves modeling and he can't help it. 

Then Jude get extra frustrated because Briasson was messing up his whole plan. He gave a firm scolding and Briasson got a little nervous. 

I'm sowwy Jude for smiling. 

We aw not talking, Bwiasson. 


  1. Jude does NOT like to be in his stroller when it is not moving. That said, he is still VERY cute with his little sour-face on:)

  2. Camera tricks or no, I think Briasson is the incredible hulk, and Jude is his tiny peep sidekick. Jude is not smiling because he's longing for his extension cord and probably to be out of his clothes.

  3. If you enlarge photo #3, you will notice that Aramis is struggling valiantly to withhold a smile--which makes him all the more intriguing to the ladies.

    Porthos the gullible extrovert, on the other hand, is waiting eagerly for his corn mash whiskey.

  4. Okay, the first photo in yesterday's post is soooo hilarious! I don't know quite how to say this but Aramis seems preternaturally self-assured, perhaps even a tad condescending and ever so slightly intimidating. What an odd little pale peep.
