Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bath Time

Lately Jude has been crawling into the bathroom when we tell him that it's bathtime. It helps him remember if he is also naked when we mention it. 

This particular time, he crawled into the bathroom, promptly wet the floor, and continued on his merry way. 

He's not even ashamed a little. 

Let's go people. I don't have all day. 


  1. Are you going to post the poopy bathroom picture? I hope so!

  2. Jude especially looks like a little old man in the third picture. I think he needs a mini cane.

  3. In the first two pictures, Jude's bottomus looks just like mine. Why, then, is his so cute?

    I take it back: No shame whilst naked is a sure sign Jude has NOT been tainted by the fall. Jude is a prelapsarian mini-man with built-in arm bracelets, dimply bum, and pendulous belly--all sure signs of perfection!
