Thursday, September 22, 2011

In the Car

The boys sit next to each other in the car and generally ignore each other. 

Sorry Briasson, but are we boring you? I don't know what I can do to keep this man entertained. He's really high maintenance. 

And then there is this bundle of joy. I took about 15 pictures right up in his face and it didn't change. This is what I'm stuck with. 

Then he came to his senses and realized he needed the camera. Right then. 

Briasson did not. He needed nothing except better entertainment. 

Which he apparently did not get. 

Excuse me, but are we there yet? I'm growing tired of this seat. 


  1. What sad boys. Their life is SO hard. It's a whole 2 minutes to the library. lol. I love the first one of Jude. I wonder what he's day dreaming about...

  2. Jude's eyelashes are looking very long and dreamy in these pictures. Maybe Briasson inherited his mom's carsickness tendency...

  3. I wonder if this is how John's freshmen feel in class?

    Even Jude's and Briasson's ennui can't make them less cute!
