Friday, September 9, 2011

Food and Leisure

Jude has become a total master of picking up puffs and eating them. He snacks on them all day long. They are basically all over our floors and he just crawls around finding them and snacking.

He's pretty proud of this skill. The only thing is, is that he tends to pick up tiny things like garbage, splinters of wood, fuzz from the carpet, and tries to eat it- so now that he is so good at getting things in his mouth fast, I have to be really careful.

Leisure time with Daddy is always a must. You can't get a physique like that without a sufficient amount of time where you do nothing.


Looks like one boy is more interested in the toy than another...


  1. Maybe if I put pieces of veggies on the floor Marin would eat them... Is it just me or did you post a picture of Robert in his underwear on the internet? Just checking.

  2. Robert is TOTALLY in his underpants!!!

    Emma, stop shampooing Jude's hair! Did you look at the first photo?! He has none!

  3. Jude is a sneaky puff man. He finds puffs in any place. He twirls puffs through all of his fingers. He pinces puffs. He eats handfuls of puffs. And he reminds me of a giant puff.

  4. What a pantywaist--I mean underpanty waist!
