Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween. Baby Style.

Cowboys and Indians. Classic. Okay so the boys didn't totally love Halloween but WE did love it. I guess Jillian and I have officially passed out of the phase where Halloween is about dressing in your underwear and saying you are an animal or something- like trying to figure out which animal looks best in matching bras and panties. Oh well. Life is hard I guess. After about 1 second Jude's hat was off and after about a minute both of the boys were eating beads off of Briasson's belt. 


This is the worst day of their lives. Can you tell? 

I can't figure out how to rotate this one, but turn your head because it is really THAT cute.


  1. First Halloween! At least we got one good picture and the boys didn't hate ALL of it...not the saltine peanut butter treat they got all over themselves. Jude looks ready to attack some Indians or whatever cowboys do in the second picture. lol

  2. It definitely looks like the worst day of Briasson's life in the second photo. Marin looked at Jude and said "man." I guess Jude looks like a real man in that hat. And when did you ever wear underwear and say you were an animal for Halloween. I only remember you wearing your birthday suit and saying you were... I don't know what. Oh, wait. That wasn't Halloween. That was every day of your childhood. HA!

  3. The Lone Ranger and Tonto ride again...

    "Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!"

    "What's next. Ke-Mo Sah-Bee?"
