Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gifts from Great Grandpa

Great Grandpa stopped by recently and brought over some delicious doughnuts. I ate many of them, but for some reason when I was not in charge of Jude, he also got a hold of one...or two. 

What can I say? The boy gets a sweet tooth from...his Daddy. 
 Monch monch monch. Only three and a half doughnuts left. 

 What's the big deal? Why is everyone making such a big deal? It's dinner. Let me live. 

 Who me? I'm just here, doing nothing bad. Look how sweet I am. 

One last bite.


  1. It looks like Jude is attacking the doughnut in the third picture. Doughnut, meet your doom!

  2. He may have a sweet tooth from his uncle, but I haven't seen it yet. Just imagine what Jude will be into when it actually pops through. He'll be on to fudge brownies! lol
