Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baby Remix

 Look at this blast from the past. Here Marin is, just a peep, wearing his punishment outfit. 

 Here is Briasson stuffing food in his mouth. I thought it looked more like he was contemplating life...or how to tell Jude he didn't want to participate in the latest "idea"

 A bowl of candy, and the boy wants a potato. I guess he had enough sugar with the doughnut. 

Pow. Health. 

 Actually, that hat fit his attitude for a little less than a week...while he was wearing it included. 

 Grandpa letting Jude play with a remote never happens, so he's a happy boy when he manages to swipe it. 

Isn't he pretty with a bow? This game was deemed "safe" by his dad, so SORRY Briasson.


  1. That outfit is what happens when you poop out of your fashionable one. If Jude ever got out of his pjs he might know about that. I can't imagine that Jude is ever crabby. Not my Judebug... I'm not sure if that last picture is a safe game for Briasson or Jillian pretending that she has a little girl.

  2. Do you see how depressed the little Dickensian ragamuffin is when given just a spud for Halloween. Gwamma would NEVER do that.

    And for the record, Gwamma would also never cross-dress any of her grandbabies.

    I think Briasson is contemplating how to escape the clutches of a cousin with teeth.

  3. And while Emmie and Jillian cross-dress Briasson, Auntie Em punishes Marin by clown-dressing him in public--mean.

  4. Oh what a delightful three-man team. They sure put up with a lot. We do have quite the collection of blackmail for future use, especially when an unsuspecting girlfriend enters the scene.
