Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Balloons...are the Greatest.

Guys, this is so sewious...I need to say something.

I wuv balloons. 

Listen, guys, listen. If you rub it on your head, I think something happens. Goompa always does it. I just don't know what is supposed to happen. 

Here is Jude looking at his favorite balloon mobile and pretending to blow up the balloons. Well, maybe not pretending. More like, requesting that we all blow them up for him. Or, okay...maybe demanding. 

I love balloons. 

I am not enthused. 

Balloons are not fun. 

But playing together sweetly is so fun!


  1. With a sweet face like Jude's how could you not blow up the balloons for him?

  2. Oh. Jude knows what happens. Spiky, static hair is his thing. I mean when you've got hair you mine as well style it with balloons.

    Marin looks like such a sad little puppy in that mattress mug shot:( awww.
