Friday, December 9, 2011

Playing Nice

Playing nice is just something that the boys haven't learned yet. They are kind of frenemies. 

Jude is often trying to maneuver around our bump on a log, but it doesn't typically work as he plans. 

The boys are always trying to make a point that there isn't enough space in the going into one tiny corner and fighting over space. 

Here's Briasson, just trying to help a bro out. 


It did not work according to Jude's plan. Foiled again. 

Whatever. At least there are cars down here. 

In other news, Briasson's jammies are looking kind of "fitted" here. 


  1. I love the action shot! Jude is such a stunt man...

  2. Briasson is such a compliant little man, permitting Jude to use him as a step stool. Or maybe he's not compliant; rather, he's exploited and will seek revenge with his shark teeth when Jude least expects it.

    All that being said, Jude is very resourceful (and Briasson is an ample resource--he possesses resourciness)
