Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Basket Case

Excuse me, but what did you say? Thewe is a summew hat but we have to shawe?

I fink...I fink it looks good hewe.

Showing his true colors and caught on camera, the cake monster makes a quick snatch. 


Snatch and escape, followed by auntie kisses.

I'd say he's mastered manipulation because he lives WITH ME.

I'm going to tell you something and I want you to wisten weally cawefully. You awe so annoying, get that fwiggen camewa out of my face owr I sweawr  I am going to fweak out.

Okay, you awe rude.


  1. That last picture of Briasson is priceless! And I can't believe Jude was caught on camera stealing a hat. The innocent exterior is just a cover-up!

  2. AWWWWEEE. I love kisses from my Jude-bug!

  3. Such a cute pic of Auntie Ji-Ji getting a kiss from our Judebug!

    I think we should all be thankful that Briasson is in jail when he's making a face like that. His bite is definitely worse than his bark--and that is one scary bark face.
