Friday, May 4, 2012

Petting Zoo

We took Jude on an adventure recently. A lot of times we call anything in the car an adventure which we should probably stop because if he thinks that going to the grocery store is an adventure then he's going to probably give up on "adventures". Oh well. 

BUT this adventure had ducks. Sooo, success. 

He looks worried, but don't fuss. 

He loves to pet all the animals! Goats were a hit. Why wouldn't they be? Such clean and lovely animals...

Here he is trying to get to the cow. 

How rude and unfriendly. Sometimes, cows and not kind and loving. That's what we learned today. 

Special time with old pops. 


  1. Classic face in the that pic. He's just letting the cows know even though he's a baby, he's very mature for his age and has an eye on them. Watch out, unfriendly cow.

    Love my little farm animal:)

  2. OH MY GOSH! The second photo is sooooo adorable!

    Jude will always like all adventures--even trips to the grocery store--especially with Gooma.

    The only thing he doesn't like is when mean Mommy won't let him watch videos with Gooma.

  3. Just wait until you come back to San Diego, Jude. We will have some adventures, and I mean adventures! Have you ever fed squirrels or played in major waves in the Pacific Ocean? I didn't think so.
