Friday, February 3, 2012

Crib Love

Often when marin would wake up, he would ask for Ba-Du. I mean, when Badu was placed in his bed, he immediately regretted it, but he asked nonetheless. So, let's just say he asked and everyone can marvel at the cuteness. 

Admiring his older, not much bigger, cousin. 

Working very hard. 

The "me dump, you pick up" game. It's a favorite of Jude and apparently Marin as well. 

Surveying his kingdom and his chubby, half nude subject. 

Explaining the rules of the kingdom. And maybe, just maybe, biting a ball in anger because Jude is touching Thomas. Just maybe. 

Listen, Badu. I want you here. But I don't want you to touch anything or look at me, and I want to hit you. Okay? 


  1. Those are usually Marin's rules for any game. I love how the light really accentuates Jude's rolls. Such a roly-poly bug!

  2. So hilarious! I'm laughing out loud.

    Jude looks like such a chubster in the fourth photo.But he looks so small with Main towering over him.

  3. LOL--especially Marin's concluding rules lecture!

    Apparently,for Marin, "playing together" in the crib involves moving as far as possible away from Jude--playing on the bumper pads, playing on the nearest wall, playing hanging over the crib side--anything but playing WITH Jude, IN the crib.

    And then there's Jude, in all his wide-eyed and utter cluelessness. He has no idea...

    Jude, don't wowwy, be happy!
