Monday, February 4, 2013

Christmas Decorating, Birthday Suit

Christmas decorating was so exciting for Jude because he loves little trinkets like ornaments and also because he did it practically nude. 

Aren't those boys precious?

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year. 

This is our gift to you.

So sophisticated. 


  1. Everything is more fun when Jude is nude. I love love love that third picture. Should be your Christmas card for next year. So festive. Nothing says Merry Christmas like Jude high bum crack...

  2. Fashion statement! We always said Jude's bum crack was one his distinctive features. He knows it.

  3. What's most remarkable about Jude's remarkable tush is that the whitest child known to man has a tan line! This means that his tush is actually whiter than snow-white. I think it's a Christmas miracle!
