Monday, June 6, 2011

Yum yum

Well it's been way too long since we've updated, which means we are about a million pictures behind so you'll all have to wait to see the joys of Jude's solid food adventures. Until then, enjoy this preface to the world of solid poop: Jude wishing he could eat solid food. Here he is at a restaurant peering longingly at the onion strings that we were eating. Soon, Jude...very soon.

You may be able to guess who bought and gave these to a young Jude...Grandma.

Calorie free. He's health conscious.

Peanut Butter Ball...and actually I think that he had a little bit of this a few times when he sucked on the wrapper. Jude loves to suck on any kind of toy or garbage he finds. One day, he found a wrapper of this candy and put it right in his mouth. The difference between that garbage and others is that he then began ferociously sucking away at it. So anyway...I let him. Let him live. That's my motto anyway.

But when the treats are over, so is the fun. I know just how you feel, Judebug.

1 comment:

  1. Just give Jude a Coke, and he'll be a little Energizer bunny.
