Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Party Aminal.

Tell me this guy isn't the life of the moving box party. 

Muscle tee, noise canceling headphones so you don't have to hear nagging "moms", and an attitude. Boys will be boys. 

Let's get to the sermons, pow.

Jude loves to read this book. I guess he just is an empathetic reader. 

It kind of seems like Robert and Jude are reading different parts of the story. 

Or probably it was some kind of really sophisticated joke and Robert didn't get as well as Jude. Not everyone can understand "Watch our little wombat" like the bug. 

I swear they own toys. 

BTW: Robert is wearing a shirt in every picture, so yeah, I'd call this post a success. 


  1. I can't believe I haven't seen any pics from San Diego. I guess I can understand if you and Jude don't want to relive some of those memories...

  2. Now that Jude can talk, he can explain the Wombat story to Robert.

  3. If Jude's and Briasson's positions on the vacuum were reversed, you KNOW what Briasson would do--C'mon, just say it. It begins with b, ends with e, rhymes with kite and hurts like...the dickens.

  4. I didn't realize the Wombat story was both terrifying and so funny and so hilawious!
