Tuesday, May 10, 2011


When the weather took a turn for the better, Jude and I were able to enjoy some time outside. He is beginning to ride in his stroller for a bit longer, maybe 25 minutes, but then when we came home he wanted to play in the grass for longer.

Although the sun presented a bit of a challenge.

Listen, he's a tough guy. Don't let the elephant jammies fool you. If he wants to play outside, he will. If he wants to get out of his stroller...he will.

Exploring...exploring his fat wrists.

"Dear God, please get me out of this grass. I want to watch American Idol. I also pray that something horrible happens to my stroller. Amen"


  1. Looks like someone needs a flaphappy hat! I would give you ours, but Marin is really attached to it. I will keep my eyes peeled for another one, though. Jude will love it!

  2. Emma neglected to mention that John said Marin's arm blubber will soon cover his sausage hands and then he'll have to undergo a circumcision to release his hands from their fleshly prison.

  3. Jude is the most adorable little prayer warrior ever. His piety almost compensates for his repeated use of his "swear finger."

  4. It appears that you've abandoned Marin alone in the midst of the desolate prairie, just like Easten and Micah occasionally abandon Marin on bleak cliffs.
