Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting Serious

Jude can be a very happy baby. The past few weeks it has become increasingly easy to make him smile and he finds many different things enjoyable. But the fact is, sometimes life is about work and not just fun, which is a fact that Jude appreciates at a very young age. I was lucky enough to catch him doing a bit of work, here he is on a business call.

But after a quick business call, it was time for work. He kept getting distracted so he began to hold his place with his finger, so that when he needed to look away to scold the "adults" around him that were so rudely interrupting, he could get right back to work.

It ended up being a quick read for the little man. He finished in a matter of minutes. He was very thankful to Grandma for letting him borrow her work book and apologized for all the tabbing he did in it.

After his read, he put back on his regular glasses and wanted to discuss the literature. He did not appreciate the paparazzi in his book discussion.

I think this picture speaks volumes about how Jude feels about interruptions during work time. Something tells me homeschooling will be all too easy. Needless to say this was the last picture taken. You can't continue to disrespect a man who shoots you this look...


  1. Hey, at least he didn't give you the finger for your interrupting. It looks like HT&FS has a promising up and coming accountant! Or will Grandma make him her apprentice...

  2. Jude is a little man who equally enjoys both his scholarly pursuits as well as some wild recreational adventures. Something tells me he'll fit right in to finals weeks in college.

    What Emma neglected to share is that the book in which Jude was immersed ist titled THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOMOSEXUALITY." Jude told me he agrees with some of Greenberg's assumptions.
