This isn't really Jude exploring, but it was so cute I wanted to post it anyway.
Here he is trying out the top bunk of a bunk bed. Looks like he loves it!
Reading the newspaper. Kind of.
Robert changed Jude's diaper one day and brought him back out looking like this. When questioned, he responded that he didn't want Jude to wear his pants too low...too low they are not.

Jude loves to explore in the SRC. He takes walks in the carrier and looks at the people and at the lights. He loves it@
If that first picture isn't a perfect one of my Jude bug I don't know what is! You may be the fashion police for Jude, but if you ask me, he looks quite happy in the outfit Robert dressed him in.
ReplyDeleteWhat Emma neglected to share is that Jude has a very high butt crack. It goes up to his shoulder blades. We're worried about how Speedos are going to work. Come to think of it, they'll work just fine. They're not supposed to cover boy cracks.
ReplyDeleteNo, that's not Jude exploring. That's just our Jude who finds even the ordinary extraordinary--and sometimes annoying.
Jude in the kitchen wondering where the heck everyone is and why they left him helpless on the table like a plump roasted piglet--make that boiled. If he had been roasted, he would be much darker, more like his Hispanic cousin.
Photo #1: Proof positive that aliens landed in Roswell, New Mexico.