Well it has been really beautiful outside lately, so we were able to break out the summertime attire! This outfit I was positive wouldn't fit Jude by the time warm weather rolled around because it almost didn't fit him a month and a half ago, but he has stopped growing, so now all of his summer clothes are fitting perfectly! Note: Let me be perfectly clear, he has stopped growing lengthwise.
Anyway, he gives one punch to the paparazzi, and a second ready to punch his stroller.

But the looming stroller approaches, causing a little man to worry. How dare we go outside on a beautiful summer day in a stroller? He will have none of that.

So he flips off the stroller.
What else is new?
Or maybe that's his way of asking for Grandma?

Jude has also recently learned the joys of arching his back, not in anger (Marin) but just because he can. Normally I can prop him up in a corner and get ready to go someplace, but lately he has been arching and then I find him all slouched up in his corner. Doesn't look comfortable, but whatever floats his little boat.

Look at how cute he is in his little slouchy corner! A special thank you to Miss Megan for his puppy shirt. It is a stable in his wardrobe nowadays.