Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Making Friends

First, I'm not sure why Jude and Briasson don't have a larger group of friends, but isn't this a strange guy?

Doin just nuffin. 

But they were in Chicago, so babies doing nothing in Chicago are still more hip than suburb babies doing anything. 

Check out their new friend. 

Also, hey, check out Jude's matching socks.


So smart. 

Strange, right?

So strange. 

1 comment:

  1. Jude is very interested in his new friend's hair, while Briasson I don't think has noticed his new friend. He too busy fake smiling.

    What cute little guys just sittin there.

    Jude probably said, "Ok, Bwiasson. Thewr needs to be two chaiwrs in between us."
