Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Last minute Visit

After a day of no naps, a nice evening surprise is a visit from the world's finest gentleman...Goompa.

These are out of order, as you will tell from the last picture. 

Briasson...helping himself

booty first.

He really is my nephie.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Funnies

To warm yourselves up to the humor in this post is a little pic of Jude wearing women's ear muffs. Classic. 

Can you tell that they are SO INTO IT?!

After a nice stroll around the city it was discovered that Briasson has his shoes on the wrong feet. Just another reminder that he is related to Robert. 

Look at that snoozer. 

Okay, I'm so sorry but this is the most hilarious picture ever. I feel like nobody understands how funny this picture is. 

LOOK AT HIS STANCE. Look at his model face! He is totally werking those shoes.

Guys, please.


This picture is so funny. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

City Babies

When Aunt Jenaeth threw a baby shower for Jude the theme was baby in the city. How did she know?!

City Ratz.

Just checkin out the old manger. Typical boys day out Chicago adventure. 

Plus a quick lesson in Christmas. Teaching his younger, larger cousin the ropes. 

Auntie Jenaeth and the hoodlumbaby.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Making Friends

First, I'm not sure why Jude and Briasson don't have a larger group of friends, but isn't this a strange guy?

Doin just nuffin. 

But they were in Chicago, so babies doing nothing in Chicago are still more hip than suburb babies doing anything. 

Check out their new friend. 

Also, hey, check out Jude's matching socks.


So smart. 

Strange, right?

So strange. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Little Beans

Who is surprised that after driving all the way to Chicago to see Auntie Jenaeth and traveling to little beans for a new experience, Briasson would end up at the train table. TYPICAL. 

Actually, most of you don't know him so you are probably all REALLY SURPRISED. 

Not to be outdone, Jude went to the most boring game also. 


Guys, can you tell that he's having the time of his life? 

I swear. He is sitting on my lap right now and I quote: 

"I need to go to little beans. I need your watch"

Okay and a picture of the most creative game of the day goes to this one- Jumping on a mattress with a shopping cart and stroller. 

Also, the most unsafe game. 

Also, bad mother.

Help, I'm trapped in little beans.
I thought we were going to go on a city tour. Or at least the Chicago Public Library.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Quite the Outfit

Twinz. But really, jammies and boots are this season's hottest combination. It helps if you have the body type of "apple, rested upon two small twigs"

That's a category of body types, right? 

Work boots, Mr. Flops the bear, and dinos.


PEEKY peeky.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Christmas Decorating, Birthday Suit

Christmas decorating was so exciting for Jude because he loves little trinkets like ornaments and also because he did it practically nude. 

Aren't those boys precious?

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year. 

This is our gift to you.

So sophisticated.