Friday, December 7, 2012

The Hardest Job in the World

Smiling. You guessed it, folks. Smiling is the hardest job in the whole world. 

Gahhhh I need a nap. 

Livin Easy. Be sewious, newrds. 


Sometimes you just need a moment to take a break and refresh before. 

Smile, round II


  1. That last picture really captures how hard it is to smile. He's such a trooper, always posing for the camera and all his fans.

  2. LOL!!!! Actually, this DOESN'T capture Jude. Smiling is just about all Jude does!

    I think the first photo captures Jude practicing a fierce growl, designed for scaring off Briasson-the-Shark and Marin-the-Angry Marauder. Don't tell Jude, but it's an exercise in futility. He'll have to defeat them with a beguiling, hypnotic stare from his alien bug-eyes. They'll be spellbound, mesmerized, stupefied, and paralyzed.

    Alternatively, he can do what he's doing in the last three photos: pretend they're not there--except, of course, he won't do that because he loves them.
