Thursday, November 8, 2012


Just a couple of dudes JUST CHILLIN

Wait wait, stop. New idea. 

Kaboom. And so the little one sits on the bigger, younger, yet still petite one. 

Bros, chest a-bumpin. 

Okay, Marin now has the most hilarious idea. 

A second kaboom- one in the head with a water bottle. 

So fun. 


  1. Marin's got lots of great ideas if he can find someone willing to go along with them. That's where Jude comes in...

  2. Awwweee! The chest bump is the CUTEST! Jude looks like he's trying to impress Marin with his manliness. I think it's working.

  3. LOL! These are sooooooo cute! You can just see Marin's gray matter gears whirling. The unsuspecting, naive Jude awaits an uncertain future...
