Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bathroom Mischief

Sometimes you just need to let the babies play in the off limits rooms like the bathroom. I'm guessing it had been a long day. 

But the only problem is that being in the bathroom just makes mischief creep into the little minds of the tubs of lard. 


And he comes with a hanger.

Not to be outdone, Briasson finds a weapon as well. 

Tell me that isn't a mischievous face. 

Another good idea by the baby that appears to be far more awake than the other. 


  1. What many don't know is that Jude's spiritual gift is sitting on things: dining room table, human heads, dogs, cousins... .You name it, Jude will sit on it.

  2. If you look closely at the 2nd photo, you will notice Jude is grinning and Briasson is,...well..., not. There's nothing, however, quite like a head butt from a smiling alien to awaken an ogre from his slumber.

  3. Jude is so full of mischief! He must be taking advantage of a sleepy marshmallow. Something tells me Briasson is not going to be a morning person.

  4. First, this is hilarious. Second, I think while Jude is bonking one un-named sleepy head is attempting a monch out of a forbidden foam toy. When Briasson is sleepy, he is Jude's giant teddy bear. All other times Jude has to be guard. lol!

  5. Oh my gosh! I didn't notice Briasson gripping the verboten foam bath toy with his gaping maw looming! Caught in the act of being himself!
