Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bathroom Mischief

Sometimes you just need to let the babies play in the off limits rooms like the bathroom. I'm guessing it had been a long day. 

But the only problem is that being in the bathroom just makes mischief creep into the little minds of the tubs of lard. 


And he comes with a hanger.

Not to be outdone, Briasson finds a weapon as well. 

Tell me that isn't a mischievous face. 

Another good idea by the baby that appears to be far more awake than the other. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Mittens and Hair

Before we begin, let's just have a quick cuddle time. Sometimes in the morning, you just need a little lovin. 

But when all is said and done, all you need is a good pair of adult size mittens and a positive attitude. 

Hm. Less fun than I had expected. 

Removal is the name of the game, folks. 

And then there is this. This is the face of a boy who has taken a nap. 

Also? the hair of one. 

And this, my friends, may be the definition of a hot mess. 

Friday, July 27, 2012


First, look how grown up that guy looks. Somebody call wall street because we have your new #1. 

But before work, let's sip out of the dirty fountain. 

Once you are hydrated, I recommend a quick dip in the dirt. Just for kicks. 

I fink...I fink...I fink I'll just stay out of that gwass. 

Get out! I've got a business call to make.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Before we get to the fountains, can we just focus on something that is equally, if not more, important?

Diaper hat. 


Wait, can I touch it?

Briasson said I could!

I'm not suwe why you awe following me? I'm taking a welaxing stwoll and you awe annoying

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Carnival, Part II

Sometimes you just need a good old fashioned double date. 

But sometimes its bros before...well you know the saying.

Okay, now that is what I'm talkin about!

Twinsies. And yes, they planned it.

Family embarrassment starts early. I guess it just shows how mature he is. 

Yes, yes. It's because of his maturity. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Carnival Part I

One day, Jude was in kind of a mood. Luckily, it was also the day of the carnival!!

Some moments were tougher than others, though. 

Everything improves at the carnival. That's kind of a rule. 

Especially when your dad will let you sit on the outside, dangerous seat of the ride.

Too bad the lame workers make you switch. Height restrictions, argh!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bucket Baby

Sometimes you just need to clear out the toys to make room for the aliens. 

I'm not sure if Robert has ever worn a shirt when featured on the blog. 

Not all babies can fit so well inside a bucket. 

It takes a special kind of bug, I guess. 

The small kind.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's that time, People

It's time to go to the splash pad. Everyone is ready and Jude has his hat. 

Not! Hats are for goompas, I'm too cool. 

Alright, old man, Let's get going. 

Can anybody hear me?


Wait, this isn't the pool...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chores Galore

Jude lives a matures and strenuous life. First, he has a dimply bum, and no thanks to all the squats he has been doing, it doesn't seem to be getting any more toned. Second, he has an awful lot of chores to do for an 18 month old. First, clean all toys in a tub of water. That looks like fun you say? 

Well then, you'd be right. 

Lawn mowing. Come on. Is this a joke? Everyone knows that mowing around the trees is the hardest part. So unfair. 

But when Jude does something, he does it peppy. 

Plus, it is a nice chance to get a full body bronze. 

Oh great. Out of bubbles gas. This is how you just have to really quick fix it up. It's easy, just hang on...

Monday, July 16, 2012


I often find Jude up here, picking out some books. I also find a pile of books under his feet. I guess he's just a fast reader. That's probably why. Yeah, that's it. 

Sometimes we just have wild times. 

But if you are really looking for a wild time, look no further than goompa. In a shoe closet? okay, that's too crazy. 

Briasson and the headless goomp. 

And, duh, a little deflated pool, big puppy, and goompa combo to finish off your day.