Thursday, May 17, 2012

Love and Jelly

Sometimes I get to eat my own peanut buttew and jelly sandwhich. They weally awe delicious, howevewr, it tends to be a bit of a mess. 

Awe we thewe yet?

Other times Jude just wears camo boots and a onesie. Man's man. 

This is my fwiend. 

Kissing your fwiends is loving. 

Nobody ever touch her. 

Because she is my fwiend. 


  1. Photo 1: Now I see the resemblance between Jude and Robert.

    Photo 5: Who taught Jude to kiss?!

    Photos 6 &7: Judes' thought bubble--"This reminds me of Gooma."

  2. Jude is such a trendsetter in that onesie outfit. Jude and Briasson must make quite the impression when they hit the park.

  3. I think jelly is the new avocado of face masks. Facials and lunch? Jude is SOLD!!

    Jude is such a love-bug! He is very kind and protective.
