Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blast from the Past

 Look at those two loving peeps. I can't even imagine what kind of havoc would occur if we even tried to do that today. Ack. 

Jude was such a mature guy. I guess this was before I gave up and just let him live all of his life in pajamas. 


Oh yeah, this is more like it. 


Snatch and chew. Marin was a bully from such a young age. 


At least they could always agree on one thing. Life is a little bit scary, all of the time.


  1. I love, love, love these pictures! Jude has always had his sweet little Judebug eyes, but I forgot that there was a time when Briasson didn't have massive cheeks. What tiny babies!

  2. Apparently, there were a couple of weeks during which Jude was bigger than Briasson. In the first photo, he was, but in the last photo, he wasn't. Maybe he was bigger for only a few minutes.

    Third photo is classic--and I mean classic. It depicts a standard day in the lives of the brothers. That said, however, I have noticed that Jude has picked up some habits from his more "dramatic" cousins. He feigns crying and REALLY gets angry.

  3. They looked so different back then it's unbelievable. I don't think it would be physically possible to put them both on a boppy. I mean let's not try or anything crazy like that.

    BABIES!! I don't think i'm ready for those months again quite yet:)
