Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mealtime is for Eating

One day Jillian and Briasson were over and I was feeding Jude breakfast. I was turned around talking to Jillian, and when I turned back around, this is what I found. 

"If you could just keep feeding me, that would work out perfectly, thank you."

Later in the day it was time for a quick snack. Toilet paper. Nom nom. 

Dinner was also (always) eventful with the bug. For some reason during this dinner he was putting his head down doing "sweet boy" and talking quietly. Or yelling. Honestly? I can't remember. But let's go with sweet boy so I'm still in the running for baby mama of the year. 

So sweet. So buggy. 


  1. So sweet
    So buggy
    So neat
    So snuggy

    So lovey
    So flirty
    So dovey
    So dirty

    Our little alien...

  2. I'm wondering how Jude's entire tray is covered in food. Maybe that was a phase I skipped since Marin only ate puffs...
