To begin with, Jude loved all food. He loved eating it and he loved mealtime. Then suddenly meal time became quite the burden for the pale little monkey and it became more of a task. He still liked the food, but it was the sitting in a chair and eating it that was so oppressive. So many days I would feed him lunch on the go while he was playing over with Briasson, or suffer through a very unhappy lunch. But dinnertime was another story. We put a basket of toys our by his chair and Robert would entertain while I shoveled the food in his mouth as quickly as I could. I sit on the other side of Jude, so the more we did it, the harder it was.
Because often times, this was my view of the little bug. Needless to say, it was hard to get the spoon in his mouth.
This was just about the best we could do. Luckily, Jude enjoys mealtime again and so this was a thing of the past.

It also didn't help that he found the basket of toys so as soon as Robert showed him one, he would peek over the edge to find the rest of them.

Robert says this should be Jude's picture for when he's a famous lawyer. I agree. I also think that if he actually becomes one in 30 years, he should still use this exact picture.
That last picture is the BEST PICTURE OF JUDE EVER!! He is so composed and mature. No matter that he has food on his face. It can't detract from his impeccable deportment. He should use that picture not only for his famous lawyer shot but also for any other important photo occasions- facebook page, senior picture, resume. (I know you don't put photos on resumes, but I think this one would really improve his chances of being hired, no matter the job).
ReplyDeleteAlthough the final photo MAY say "I'm a very important attorney," it definitely asserts "Do not mess with me."