I realize you probably think the title means that the post has something to do with a "fleece escape". Also, I realize many of you probably don't put that much thought into the titles of these posts. I thought it sounded nice and this post is about a fleece jacket and an escape, so deal with it. I'm sorry if your dreams of the fleece escape have been crushed. Anyway, Jude got a new fleece. Doesn't he look dapper? I think he's old enough that the term dapper applies to him. HE'S WEARING A FLEECE, PEOPLE...which can only mean he is mature enough for dapper to be the appropriate descriptor.
Don't I have the two cutest men in the world to live with?
Okay, okay, so one of them may be cuter than another. I won't say who, but he is small, bald, and has dimples to die for- I'm talking about the ones on his face. His dimply rear is a whole other story. Incidentally, it is a story that you will be hearing a lot about later this week. Stay tuned for nudventres.
One morning Jude and I were having a very pleasant skype sesh with Easten and cousin Marin (Alfalfa Marin for those avid blog readers who may remember his posts). Marin and Jude don't normally last to long being interested in skype. I'm not perfect at entertaining Marin. Plus I prefer when he is throwing a tantrum over when he is contentedly watching something that I'm doing. I know, you all with you could have a loving aunt like me. Anyway, Jude crawled all the way through the living and dining room, through the kitchen and to the door.
Hence the "escape" in the title. I like to say Jude was making his "escape" in a spanish accent. Something like "es-ca-paaaaay" Abi, do you know what I'm talking about? Do you read this blog? If so, I know you know what I'm talking about.
He likes being at home with me, I swear.