Jude doesn't really like to be swaddled, and fights it every time but eventually gives in. It always pays off because he sleeps well and looks so cute.

He got to spend lots of time visiting with Aunt Jillian and his little cousin in the hospital! Jude is eagerly awaiting the arrival of his baby cousin.

Right after he was born, Jude was wide awake for a few hours until Aunt Jenaeth managed to get him to sleep. He will forever remember his first nappy with her.

I'm not even entirely sure what to say about this picture. I didn't even know this happened.

Gjeme must have learned the art of putting the peanut to sleep from Jenaeth. Also, he is very lucky he didn't get wet because Jude wet through those pajamas almost every time he wore them.
I'm not sure who is better at putting the other one to sleep, Jude or Grandma. He has a perfect bug face in the first picture! We need to find the picture of Grandpa's bug face from the plane ride to Hawaii to compare with Jude.
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh, my little paddle-handed, cuddle bunny, angel baby. Where, oh, where is he...
ReplyDeleteI don't think Jenaeth is holding Jude. I think she's holding a doll. Oh wait, Jude is a living doll.
Jude just called me. He wants to come back to Grandma's house. Bring back my baby : (.
While studying the first photo, I had a theological epiphany: I think Marin was born without the stain of original sin! He's perfect!
ReplyDeleteBack me up on this, John.
OMG!!! I MEANT JUDE WAS BORN WITHOUT THE STAIN OF ORIGINAL SIN!!! And yes, this is an e-scream! Truth be told, it's obvious that both grandbabies were born in such a miraculous state, but I was writing about my little dude Jude, whom I adore and miss.
ReplyDeletep.s. I still have four days left on my self-imposed two week period during which I may call Jude Marin. I didn't originally think that would have to apply to writing, but I now I see it must. Is Jude mad at Grandma?