Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We were able to spend last weekend in Chicago on a mini babymoon! The Bean enjoyed the getaway almost as much as we did.
And yes, Easten, the bean met the bean.
Our hotel was beautiful and they switched our room so we could have a view!
Unfortunately, Chicago hasn't learned that we take it one holiday at a time. But we did get to see them unwrapping the giant Christmas tree.

Belly pic to come, Easten.


  1. The Bean in front of the Bean, a classic shot. One for the baby book, I think. Looks like you guys had lots of fun!

  2. Can you call it a mini-babymoon if the baby has a giant tummy and head?

    I thought the so-called Christmas tree was a humongous do turd--not very Christmas-y, unless you're Juji.

  3. Emmy, you have such pretty eyes!
