Watch Bean Grow! Our baby definitely has a mind of its own. Emma had her third doctor's appointment. The doctor had some difficulty getting the baby's heartbeat because the bean was moving so much. One thing for sure is that our baby won't let a mere doctor's visit interrupt a good workout. When the doctor was finally able to get a read, the heart beat was 180 beats per minute! At our fourth appointment, our little "Mexican jumping bean" had a heart rate of 136 bpm. We agreed on some baby names that we are very excited about. "Boppy" was suggested out of an attempt by [insert name] to be funny. It was not approved. Emma and Jillian have been exchanging their feelings about pregnancy at a newly discovered pool in town. The Bean likes hangin' out with Mommy, Auntie and Dot.
I think someone's bladder needs to be emptied.