Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Park Babies

Best friends hold hands, even in their rides. 

Sometimes you just need a little park time. 

And sometimes you need to pick out your own shoes. 
I mean slippies. 

Whewe is that toy that I wuv?

Mulch in mouth. A classic. 

But most importantly, you need to work together on big projects. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Time Out

Here is a game the boys like to play, despite the fact that it lands them in time out. 

Don't let her deceive you, he wasn't smiling

When Briasson was first introduced to time out, the aftermath was even worse than the actual time out. Warning: these are so sad. 

Or, I don't know,  maybe he was sad about the last Bears season ender. I guess it could be either. 

Somewhere, it morphed into a little bit of anger, I won't say where. 

Actually this happens when Jude gets a time out too. 

I mean, Briasson cries like this...not Jude. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

This Guy

This guy is my nephew, Briasson. You've probably seen him hanging around this blog for a while. Like maybe the past year and a half. He's always bugging around someplace or another. This is as normal as it gets people. Prepare yourselves.

When he's happy...he's happy. 

When he's silly...he's silly. 

When he's naughty...watch out. 

Well, you actually had better watch out pretty much all the time. Jude will teach you the ropes.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Camera Ham

Hi, my name is Jude. I'm a camera ham. 

Jude has recently gotten "into" secrets. John and Robert like to whisper instructions to him and he loves to follow them. What fun! He must get his idea of a party from me. Following instructions quietly. 

Sometimes you just need to see the real deal. Here he is, peeps. And yes, he has stopped gaining weight for the past three months, thank you for noticing. 


Okay, this is a guy who recognizes humor. I mean just look at that baby in the mirror. Wearing a hat.

Classic knee-slapper. 

Peeky. Or as Jude said this morning "pooty pooty"


This guy. He...is awesome.

What can he say? Sometimes you need to put on a hat, get to the nearest mirror, and give yourself a pump up talk.