Well, none of these pictures actually show how Jude likes to nap nowadays, but he's so cute I'm showing them anyway. This first one is actually how he sleeps at night. I'm sure it is a coincidence, but the first night we let him sleep under his monster blanket he slept for almost 6 hours and last night it was almost 7! I like to think it was the monster blanket. Don't worry, it only covers his legs and bum at night.

This has only happened twice, and I think this particular time he woke up completely hysterical after discovering he was tricked into falling asleep in his stroller instead of his baby carrier, which happens to be the only way he will sleep more than an hour. Yesterday he slept in it for 2 and a half hours, and once it was 3. I guess it is a good way to get some exercise...

This was back in the good ol' days (like 2 weeks ago) when Jude would sleep such nice naps on the couch. He loved his monkey bum outfit from the mathetai girls, and requested I post the picture of his cute monkey bum. He also has almost completely done away with his receding hair line, but it is in full effect in the above picture. Enjoy now, you will have to wait 40 or more years to see it again.

Sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa's house.